Orders - Getting Started
Orders in eCommerce are where you can view and manage orders made on your Site. Here, you can view orders made, filter between dates, and delete orders. Within this doc, you can find helpful information covering Orders, such as: Findin...

Products - Custom Fields
Manage and edit custom fields that have been added to your Products. Adding Custom Fields To Your Module Whilst editing the Products Module Structure , you can add custom fields to add to items. You can use a variety of field types when creating ...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Setting up your Payment Gateway and Settings
Prerequisites The Subscriptions feature is currently only supported if you have a Stripe Payment Gateway, and you will need to define which Payment Gateway set up to use for your Subscriptions. If you have not yet set up a Stripe Account and assoc...

How to Set Up a Shopping Cart and Guest Checkout - Tutorial
Prerequisites You have installed the eCommerce Module You have set up a Payment Gateway You have added Products to the database You have set up a Product List View You have set up Product Detail Pages Using PayPal as a Payment...

Payment Gateways
Prerequisites You have installed the eCommerce Module in Site Settings You have an account set up on one of our supported Payment Gateways (listed in this document) Introduction You need to set up a Payment Gateway in Siteglide in order to take pa...

Tax Codes - Introduction
Prerequisites You have the eCommerce Module installed at version 1.5.0 or higher Introduction You can create Tax Codes in Siteglide and apply them to Products. The Tax Percentage is then applied to that Product if the same currency...

FAQ - eCommerce Discount Codes - What if the discount is 100% or more of the total Order price?
Introduction Discount Codes can cause the payment total due to be smaller than your Client may wish- or even 0. When accepting payments, most Clients won't want to handle very small payments e.g. less then 50 cents. Why are small charges a proble...

FAQ - How do I create a catalogue of eCommerce Products?
Answer: We haven't added a "catalogues" feature to eCommerce, because we believe our Categories feature is more flexible and powerful. You can use Categories across any of our WebApps and Modules You can assign more than one type of item, e.g. an ...

FAQ - I have a bug where I add a Custom Field Set to a Product and it doesn't save, what can I do?
Answer Unfortunately this known issue won't be fixable soon. In the meantime, follow these steps to workaround it. In the Custom Field Sets tab, select the Custom Field Set you want. You'll notice that there are two save buttons. You will need to...

FAQ - How to add optional (tax - free) donations at Checkout
Prerequisites You've installed the Siteglide eCommerce Module You've added eCommerce Products You've Implemented a Cart and Checkout Flow Introduction There are two main options here: If you're happy for the User to make two payments- the main Che...

eCommerce - Quote Only - How to let Users select Products for a Quote instead of paying immediately
Prerequisites For existing Sites, make sure you have updated to the latest version of the eCommerce Module in Portal. For new Sites, you'll need to install the eCommerce Module. Create some eCommerce Products Set up Product Detail Pages and a Sho...

eCommerce - Sorting and Filtering Products by Price
Prerequisites You have installed the eCommerce Module version 1.2.1 or higher You have created a Product List Layout and outputted it on a Page You have created Products and added pricing to them Introduction In this article, I'll explain how...

Cart - Live quantity
A JavaScript function runs each time the cart is updated and refreshes the quantity of items in the cart for any element with the data attribute data-s-e-live-cart-quantity . For example: {{items_in_cart}}
eCommerce - Checkout Form Liquid Reference
Introduction This Article will show the additional Liquid tags you can use within the context of a Checkout Form. Available Fields {%- include 'ecommerce/price_total', format_type: 'formatted' -%} - Find the total value of the Cart before submit...

eCommerce Settings
You can access the eCommerce Settings under ECOMMERCE/Settings in the left-hand menu. Order In the first tab you will find the following settings related to Orders: Order Slug This slug helps define the URL for reaching Order Detail pages . It...

eCommerce - Discount Codes
Introduction We're introducing Discount Codes to our eCommerce Module. Your Client will be able to define and manage codes in the Admin- and manage their offers by setting the release and expiry dates, as well as the maximum number of uses in adva...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Subscription Order Status Explained
Introduction Subscription Orders in Siteglide represent an individual User's Subscription to a specific Product. Their status is explained here. You can use it to track which Subscription Orders need action from the User and which are Active and g...

Subscription Orders - Introduction
Subscription Orders in eCommerce are where you can view and manage Subscription Orders made on your Site. Here, you can view Subscription Orders made, filter between dates, and delete orders. Where can you find Orders? While viewing your Site Admi...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Terms and Conditions (Good Practice)
Introduction When adding eCommerce functionality to their Site, your Client will want to be confident that they are as compliant as possible. Here, we'll share tips from Stripe about how to be transparent with customers about how you and Stripe wi...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Creating a Form for Signing Up and changing Payment Details
Introduction In this article, we'll look at how you can set up a Form which will: Allow Users to Sign Up for a Subscription Allow Users to change the payment method Stripe will be charging for an existing Active Subscription, or a Subscription whi...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Changing the Price and Billing Interval
Introduction Most database items in the Siteglide database can be safely edited without affecting existing customers. For example, you can change the price of a physical product and everyone would expect to pay the new price for the product in fut...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Creating Subscription Products
Prerequisites Before you add Subscription Products, make sure you follow the steps in this article to set up the integration between your Stripe account and your Siteglide Site. You will need to have installed the Secure Zones Module on your Sit...

eCommerce Subscriptions - Introduction
Prerequisites Each Site owning organisation (Agency or Client) will need their own activated Stripe account Your eCommerce Module should be at least version 1.0.0 Your Secure Zones Module should be at least version 0.10.0 Upgrading If you were usi...

Products - Import / Export
Importing Products enables you to add Products in bulk at the same time. This is handy when you have many Products that you'd like to add or you'd like to edit these items in mass. Exporting enables you to generate a copy of your items and downloa...

Products - Inventory Control
Set your inventory levels so that Clients can see if stock is running low, and customers cannot purchase an item that is out of stock. From your Standard Fields tab within a Product, navigate to 'Inventory Control'. Here, you can set your curren...

Products - Custom Field Sets
Custom Field Sets are groups of Custom Fields that you can reuse across a range of Siteglide Records including Users, and Products. See Adding Custom Field Sets to learn more about creating Custom Field Sets, or head to Site Manager > Custom Fiel...

Products - Attributes
Attributes allow you to specify aspects of the Product that the customer can customize as they order. This can change the price and enable customers to choose a variation of this product: for example, to have this in a different colour. Where can ...

Products - Add To A Category
Adding your Products to Categories enables visitors to easily navigate and search by Category, and also to output a specific Category. How do you add a Product to a Category? From your Standard Fields , navigate to the 'Categories' tab. Within t...

Products - Pricing
Add Pricing to your Products to enable visitors to easily see costs involved with items on your Site. Where can I find Pricing? From your Standard Fields tab of a Product, navigate to the Pricing tab. Here, you can set and change the price for t...

Products - SEO
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is used to help boost your ranking in search results. SEO is incredibly important in attracting new visitors to your site, you'll show higher up in search engines enabling more people to find your site...

Products - Add a Location
How do I add a location to Blogs? Whilst editing a Product , navigate to the "Location" tab. Here you can manage and edit the address and longitude/latitude fields. Using one of the two methods: Search for an Address - Search for an address that...

Products - Secure Zones
Securing Products Whilst editing your Products Module Structure, you can choose to secure items within this Module. Show in list - show these items in the list view and hiding the detail view behind a 401 page Hide - hide these items in ...

Products - Edit Module Structure
Manage and edit your Products to enable detail views, secure this module, and add custom fields. Edit Module Structure Above your list of Products , you have the option to "Edit Module Structure". Here, you can manage and edit information about t...

Products - Creating and Editing
Adding a Product is very similar to adding a WebApp item, but with additional features which are fully integrated into other features of Siteglide eCommerce e.g. Shopping Cart, Checkout and Orders. Creating A Product Firstly, navigate to your Pro...

Products - Introduction
Products in eCommerce are where you can add and manage your own products and services with ease. Here, you can add new products; import and export these; add attributes; control inventory and much more. Where can you find Products? While viewing ...

Products - Outputting Products
Outputting your Products onto a Page enables you to showcase your variety of Products to customers. Where can you output your Products? From your list of Pages , choose a Page that you'd like to output your Products onto. Navigate to your Page Bu...

Products - Open Graph
Open Graphs are what appears when you share a link to your Product. You see the title, a description, what it is - whether it's a website or an article. Open Graphs help your Site seem more appealing to others to encourage clicking through. Open G...

Products - Standard Fields & View
The Standard Fields tab is where you can create and edit key information of a Product including; Name, Slug, Release and Expiry Date, and Product Content. You can also enable or disable this Product, and add in an image and a description. Where ca...

Getting Started with Siteglide eCommerce
Introduction With the eCommerce Module you can: Create and Manage Products Manage Orders Set up a Payment Gateway Set up Basic Payment Forms Set up a Cart and Guest Checkout Payment Form Customise eCommerce Product List , Product Detail , Produ...

Payment Gateways - Using PayPal with Basic Payment and Checkout Forms
Prerequisites You have set up a PayPal Payment Gateway, with the required authentication: Payments Gateways Introduction The PayPal Payment Gateway is compatible with Basic Payment Forms and Checkout Forms. However, there are a few differences to...