You can access the eCommerce Settings under ECOMMERCE/Settings in the left-hand menu.


In the first tab you will find the following settings related to Orders:

Order Slug

This slug helps define the URL for reaching Order Detail pages . It comes after your domain. The default is “siteglide-orders” so that it doesn’t conflict with any page you have already set up, but we recommend you change it to something like "orders".

Order Detail Page Template

In order to dynamically create a Detail Page for each of your Orders, you need to set a Page Template.

Order Detail Layout

Select the folder which contains the wrapper.liquid and item.liquid files you would like to use as a template for the main content of the Order Detail pages.

Learn more about Order Layouts


In the second tab you will find the following settings related to Subscriptions:

Subscription Slug

This slug helps define the URL for reaching Subscription Detail pages . It comes after your domain. The default is “siteglide-subscriptions” so that it doesn’t conflict with any page you have already set up, but we recommend you change it to something like "subscriptions".

Subscriptions Detail Page Template

In order to dynamically create a Detail Page for each of your Subscriptions, you need to set a Page Template.

Subscriptions Detail Layout

Select the folder which contains the wrapper.liquid and item.liquid files you would like to use as a template for the main content of the Subscription Detail pages.

Learn more about Subscription Detail Layouts

Default Currency

In the Default Currency tab, a dropdown will allow you to select one of our currently supported currencies. Currently, this will set the currency across all the Products on your site.

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