Within Migrations Overview, you can find out about all of our Import Tools along with answers to key questions you may have before beginning a migration from Adobe BC to Siteglide.

When you begin migrating, there can be many factors to consider and various different routes to take. Below, we'll outline three common migration methods you can use to streamline a migration and deliver the best result for both you and your client.

  • Like for Like - Migrate a site as-is with minimal changes and build time
  • Studio - An opportunity to future-proof design, code and functionality
  • Bespoke - Fully re-build a site with all new design, code and functionality


The like-for-like method approaches the migration by importing as much of the existing site as possible without rebuilding or redesigning.

Like-for-like - low budget

For the low budget method we simply import the existing site, check it over and go-live. You still receive the benefits of page speed and SEO improvements, however you won't have the benefits that come from integrating with other Siteglide features. Checkout the "Like-for-like - feature integration" method below for more information.

Method Steps:

  1. Create fresh Site
  2. Run Static Site Import
  3. Check your pages ensuring all assets are being applied as expected
  4. Simple go live

Like-for-like - feature integration

For the feature integration method, we import the existing site while integrating to many of Siteglide's features, maximising benefits to your clients, and delivering the best possible user experience for your Client's users. You will receive page speed and SEO benefits as well as being able to manage the site via the multiple Siteglide features, tools and point and click solutions.

Method Steps:

  1. Create a fresh Site on Siteglide
  2. Run a Static Site Import
  3. Clean up Static Pages and Forms
  4. One click import your WebApps and Categories
  5. Copy your WebApp List & Detail Layouts
  6. Build your Menus & copy layouts
  7. Create your Forms & copy layouts
  8. Simple go live process.


The Studio method enables you to take migrating a site as an opportunity to update and refresh the code of the website to best practice, fully responsive layouts and structure. Rather than starting from scratch, you can the use Studio library to quickly build out the core wireframe of your site and customise as you see fit to meet branding requirements.

You'll also be able to utilise all of Siteglide's features, maximising benefits to your clients, and delivering the best possible user experience for your Client's users.

Method Steps:

  1. Pick Layouts in Figma
  2. Customise Figma, Design and content
  3. Create Site in Portal
  4. Bulk Upload Assets
  5. Create Pages / content
  6. Build Menus & add Studio layouts
  7. Build Forms & add Studio layouts
  8. One click import your WebApps and Categories
  9. Add and customise layouts
  10. Simple Go Live Process


The Bespoke method enables developers to take migrating a site as an opportunity to update and refresh the code of the website while coding the site from scratch, as they see fit. You have full control over it's design, structure and functionality.

You'll also be able to utilise all of Siteglide's features, maximising benefits to your clients, and delivering the best possible user experience for your Client's users.

Method Steps:

  1. Create Site in Portal
  2. Install or create Template/Grid
  3. Bulk Upload Images*
  4. Create pages/content
  5. Build your Menus & Forms
  6. One click import your WebApps and Categories
  7. Create Custom Code
  8. Create Layouts
  9. Simple Go Live Process

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