Portal gives you an instant overview of all of the Sites you've created on Siteglide, the Clients they belong to, and the Users who have access to these Sites.
It's also the starting place for Signing up as an Agency, inviting Users, Creating Sites, Managing Billing and Managing DNS.
Where can Portal be found?
Once you have signed up to become a partner, you can login to Partner Portal and Sites Admin from the following URL: https://admin.siteglide.com/
When you login to Siteglide you will automatically be taken to the Portal Welcome page.
While editing a site from Site Admin, you can access Portal by clicking on your logo (if white-labelled) or the Siteglide logo in the top left-hand corner of your screen. Alternatively, click on your username in the top right-hand corner and then click "Portal".
To the right, you can see some shortcuts to take you to create a new Site; manage existing Sites; and manage your company.
Under these shortcuts, you can see five helpful pods:
- Billing Setup - This takes you to the Billing area, where you can set up billing for your Sites
- Documentation - This takes you to our collection of articles which can help you to get started with Siteglide
- Release Notes - This takes you to all of our Release Notes with the most recent at the top so you can what has been released recently and any bugs that we've squashed.
- Roadmap - This takes you to our roadmap where you can create feature requests for what you'd like to see in Siteglide or any bugs that you may have found that we can fix.
- Community Forum - This takes you to our forum which is an active community where you can find the latest information here and ask questions to receive replies from each other and from us.
Note: Single Sign On (SSO) is used to access the Roadmap and Forum.This means that any links shared will only work if the recipient is already signed in.
The left menu contains items specific for agencies:
- Welcome - This brings to your Portal
- 'Your Agency Name' - in this case is 'Siteglide Agency 001' - This brings you to your agency detail page with users and sites tabs for your agency.
- Clients - This brings you a list of your clients
- All Sites - This brings you a list of all of the sites that your agency is working on
- All Users - This brings you a list of all of the users in your agency.
- Billing - This brings you information about setting up your billing.