Public API & Integrations

Connect Cases, Users and Webapps with external tools


What are Automations? Automations are a set of Triggers and Actions, which can be applied to Forms, Modules, and WebApps. For example: Trigger - When a WebApp item is edited in Admin Action - Send an email to the content approval t...


By Matt Walter

October 25, 2023

Zapier - Getting Started

Siteglide is now an app on Zapier, meaning you can now connect to more than 1,300 apps to give you more flexibility than ever in achieving what you're aiming for. What is Zapier? Zapier is an online automation tool that allows you to connect two o...


By Matt Walter

April 28, 2023

Public API - Error Handling

If there are any errors in your call then the “Response Body” will show and error message and a related message about what went wrong.  Our response statuses follow the standard HTTP status codes and usually mean the following: 2xx - OK -  Respon...


By Matt Walter

March 29, 2023

Public API - Get All Users

To test our first API call, you can run a GET request that will get all users from the CRM of your website.  To do this, open the “users/crm” dropdown and click the “Try it out” button. If you want to just do a quick test, you can click the “Execu...


By Matt Walter

March 29, 2023

Public API - Authentication

To get started head to , this will show your documentation and testing environment for our Public API.  Please keep in mind that this is live API and so data shown or changed is live data from your websites. Authentica...


By Matt Walter

March 29, 2023

Automations - API Call example

Once you've read how our  introduction to Automations , you're ready to start creating your own. Below is an example of an API call in Automations. This example will create a customer in Stripe, where the email address is WebApp field  webapp_fiel...


By Matt Walter

March 29, 2023

Automations - Email example

Once you've read how our  introduction to Automations , you're ready to start creating your own. Below is an example of an email in Automations. This example will send an email to '' with a link to the newly created item.


By Matt Walter

March 29, 2023

Automations - Custom example

Once you've read how our  introduction to Automations , you're ready to start creating your own. Below is an example of a custom action in Automations. This example will log data if the WebApp item's name contains 'Hello'.


By Matt Walter

March 29, 2023