
  • You have installed the eCommerce Module in Site Settings
  • You have an account set up on one of our supported Payment Gateways (listed in this document)


You need to set up a Payment Gateway in Siteglide in order to take payments via eCommerce.

You can add multiple Payment Gateways, but only one can be enabled at once- and this will be used across all eCommerce forms on the site.

How to set up

In the Siteglide admin panel, you want to navigate to ECOMMERCE>Payment Gateways

Click 'Add new Payment Gateway' in the top right, and fill in the following details:

  • Gateway Provider - Choose from a dropdown of our supported Payment Gateways
  • Name - Set a friendly name for reference in the list view in Siteglide
  • Enabled - This must be true if you want the Gateway to be active
  • In Test Mode? - This determines which key pairs are used when taking a payment. When you start out, you probably want this set to 'true'. Once you're ready to go live, it should be 'false'.

Payment Gateways typical provide 2 keys for each environment (live and testing).

The names of those are specific to the Gateway. See below for what we expect from each Payment Gateway.


  • Public Key (Live) - pkliveXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • Secret Key (Live) - skliveXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • Public Key (Test) - pktestXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • Secret Key (Test) - sktestXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  • Public Key (Live) - API Login ID (live)
  • Secret Key (Live) - Transaction Key (live)
  • Public Key (Test) - API Login ID (sandbox)
  • Secret Key (Test) - Transaction Key (sandbox)


  • PayPal Client ID (Sandbox)
  • PayPal Client Secret (Sandbox)
  • PayPal Client ID (Live)
  • PayPal Client Secret (Live)

Once you have entered the above IDs and Secrets, there is no need to generate a token- we'll do this for you automatically and store this in the database.

Minimum payment amounts

Some Payment Gateways enforce an minimum transaction value. Typically this is because they charge a small fixed transaction fee, so need a minimum transaction value in place to ensure you don't lose money on the charge.

These minimum amounts are documented by the Payment Gateway:

Test cards and data

Instead of having a single account and allowing you to toggle between Test and Live modes, PayPal requires you to create a Sandbox Account if you wish to test your integration. You can do so here: 

When prompted, choose a business account from the options.


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