New Features


Blog Module- Archive Feature

The Blog Module is given an upgrade with the Archive Navigation Feature. To use it on an existing Site, you will need to update the following Modules on Portal:

  • Blog Module 0.2.0
  • System Files

The Blog Module's default  Layout now contains three options in an archive folder which can be used to demonstrate the new features:

  • sidebar - dynamically creates buttons for each month in which a Blog Post has been released. Clicking these filters the Blog List to only display items from that month.
  • sidebar_years - dynamically creates headers for each year in which a Blog Post has been released. It displays month buttons under the year in which that month falls. 
  • sidebaryearsanddatesearch - Keeping the functionality from the previous option, this adds a user-input form to allow the User to search for Blog Posts released between two dates of their choice.

New Documentation is available here for the new feature:

Improved Documentation is also now available for existing Blog Module Navigation features.


Portal Improvements

New Welcome Page

Based on feedback from new Users, we've created a new Welcome Page for Portal.


  • Easy Access to Product Tours for getting to know Your Portal, Create a Client and Create a Site (coming soon).
  • Better links to all parts of the Siteglide Ecosystem - including Release Notes, Documentation, Roadmap and the brand new Partner Forum.

Bug Fixes


Custom Field Sets- Add Additional Custom Field Set Crash

Thanks to the original bug report on the Roadmap, Admin no longer crashes when an extra Custom Field Set is added to a Product. 

eCommerce Products- Admin not saving changes

Fixed problems with saving fields on the Admin- see original post on the Roadmap here.

Please keep reporting Bug Fixes on our Roadmap and we'll get them sorted for you as soon as we can!